Reading Group #3

Neural Programming

For the awesome Nantes Machine Learning Meetup
By Hugo Mougard
On January, 4


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion


Why Neural Programming?

Many papers submitted to ICLR 2016 are about learning programs

  • Very interesting problem
  • Very important problem
  • Recently in our reach

→ Let's review some of them ♡


Neural Programming checklist

Can we:

  • add memory to the program without making its training harder?
  • have complex operations
  • have complex combinations of operations
  • generalize to unseen input ranges


What about seq2seq?

seq2seq has tight architectural coupling for the different characteristics:

  • Memory size (number of hidden units)
  • Operation complexity (number of parameters, quadratic in the memory size)
  • Combination complexity (depth, arbitrary)


seq2seq checklist results

  • ✗ add memory w/o making the training harder?
  • ✓ have complex operations
  • ✗ have complex combinations of the operations
  • ✗ generalize to unseen input ranges

→ can't efficiently learn programs.


What's the solution?

The Neural Turing Machine decouples those characteristics. We'll have a look at 3 of its successors.


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion

Paper 1: NP

Paper Metadata

Neural Programmer: Inducing Latent Programs with Gradient Descent
Arvind Neelakantan¹, Quoc V. Le² & Ilya Sutskever²
University of Massachusetts Amherst¹ & Google Brain²
Under review for ICLR 2016

Paper 1: NP


From a question and a table containing information, produce an answer.


Who is the president of the U.S.?
President Country
F. Hollande France
B. Obama United States of America
V. Putin Russian Federation
B. Obama

Paper 1: NP

Main idea overview

NNs with arithmetic & logic ops and external memory

Paper 1: NP


Paper 1: NP

Question rnn

Paper 1: NP

Data selector

Paper 1: NP

Operation selector

Paper 1: NP

History rnn

Paper 1: NP


  • On (question, table, answer) triples
  • Fully differentiable. Adam optimization
  • Some techincal tricks: hard training


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion

Paper 2: NPI

Paper Metadata

Neural Programmer-Interpreters
Scott Reed & Nando de Freitas
Google DeepMind
Under review for ICLR 2016

Paper 2: NPI

Main idea overview

  • Learn small programs
  • Learn to compose small programs into bigger ones with a controller
  • Stock programs in memory and re-use them

Paper 2: NPI

Some details 1/2

  • A program is an embedding
  • Controller input:
    • the program to execute
    • its arguments
    • input from the environment
  • Controller output:
    • key of the next program to execute
    • args of the next program
    • whether to end the execution or not

Paper 2: NPI


Paper 2: NPI

Some details 2/2

Paper 2: NPI


  • On program traces
  • Curriculum learning
  • If the inference core is learned, it's possible to freeze weights to learn new programs w/o forgetting old ones


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion

Paper 3: NRAM

Paper Metadata

Neural Random-Access Machines
Karol Kurach¹, Marcin Andrychowicz¹ & Ilya Sutskever²
Google¹ & Google Brain²
Under review for ICLR 2016

Paper 3: NRAM


Transform a memory tape containing some input data so that it contains the result of executing a given algorithm on the input.

e.g. with sorting

State of the tape at the start:
3 1 2 5 4
State of the tape at the end:
1 2 3 4 5

Paper 3: NRAM

Main idea overview

NNs with arithmetic & logic ops, external memory and registers

Paper 3: NRAM

Use of registers 1/2

Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r1 r2 r3 READ WRITE
1 4 2 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 [0] [0]: 4
2 4 2 10 6 0 0 0 3 0 1 [1] [4]: 2
3 4 2 10 6 2 0 0 3 1 1 [1] [4]: 2
4 4 2 10 6 2 0 0 3 1 2 [2] [5]: 10
5 4 2 10 6 2 10 0 3 2 2 [2] [5]: 10
6 4 2 10 6 2 10 0 3 2 3 [3] [6]: 6
7 4 2 10 6 2 10 6 3 3 3 [3] [6]: 6

Paper 3: NRAM

Use of registers 2/2

Paper 3: NRAM

Operations 1/2

  1. READ
  2. ZERO(a, b) = 0
  3. ONE(a, b) = 1
  4. TWO(a, b) = 2
  5. INC(a, b) = (a+1) mod M
  6. ADD(a, b) = (a+b) mod M
  7. SUB(a, b) = (a − b) mod M

Paper 3: NRAM

Operations 2/2

  1. DEC(a, b) = (a − 1) mod M
  2. LESS-THAN(a, b) = [a < b]
  3. LESS-OR-EQUAL-THAN(a, b) = [a ≤ b]
  4. EQUALITY-TEST(a, b) = [a = b]
  5. MIN(a, b) = min(a, b)
  6. MAX(a, b) = max(a, b)
  7. WRITE

Paper 3: NRAM


  • On input/output pairs only
  • Fully differentiable
  • Curriculum learning
  • Many technical tricks: hard training


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion


Some characteristics

Simple training examples (not traces)
Re-usable programs
Neural Programming checklist ok?
Curriculum learning
My favorite


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion


Previous Work


Studied Papers


  • Introduction
  • Paper 1: NP
  • Paper 2: NPI
  • Paper 3: NRAM
  • Comparison
  • Bibliography
  • Conclusion


  • Very interesting papers, ICLR is going to be great!
  • NPI is onto something with its hierarchical, re-usable programs
  • It's only getting started!

Thank you very much for your attention

Discussion time!